Thursday, October 16, 2008

Strangled by strangles!

Ok, the vet was out, did blood and throat swab. It's strangles. Damn. I'm just hoping that I got Pip away from the other horses in time. He's got it and there's not much to do about that but let it run its course for now. But the others may not get it if we're lucky. I did feel terrible because how could he have gotten this? It turns out that a barn about a quarter mile away has a case/epidemic. I'm not sure how long it will take the other horses there to get it, but from what I've read, I'm guessing that they will all probably get it. You can't move them once they get it, as it's so dang contagous. So Pip is now in official quarratine.

I wrote last time that his lymph nodes were big, well I had no idea, they are huge now, like two golf balls crammed between his jawbones. His neck and all along under his jaw and chin are swollen. His breathing is getting a bit stenorious, and I've been listening to his chest, but that seems clear so far. I'll take my stethescope out there next time I go. It's just such a bummer. No one is allowed near him but me for now. I do everything, because I'm afraid that we'll spread it otherwise. I'm just glad that I'm not really in the habit of petting Amanda's horses very much. I really hope her foal doesn't get it.

Well i have all the disinfectant I could find out by his stall. He's quarrantined, and I have left my gumboots out there, and I won't go near the house or barn at all. If I need anything I call Amanda and have her bring it out. I am freaked that he might spread this to her horses. If any horse can pull through this, it's Pipper. He's tough. And I have to say, every time I go out there, he nickers at me, and follows me around, and eats quite happily. I can't tell if he just feels comfortable around me, and likes me best of all humans (which is what I hope, really). But he probably just hopes I can make him feel better. And I hope I can too. I'm putting hotpresses on the swellings, hoping to make them burst. He's not as bad as some photos I've seen, but it's still just the first week, really. I think it takes about a week or so to do it's thing, if it doesn't get complicated. I pray it doesn't get complicated, I can barely afford a healthy horse....


Unknown said...

Oh no! Poor pippers!!

This sounds like a total nightmare. I hope the other horses don't get it!

Pipkin said...

I know, me too! He has a fever as well. I'm just confused as to what to do for him. Also the test for strangles came out negative, so what the hell does he have? WEll, I'm treating him the same, since I don't know what is going on. POor baby, he's pretty uncomfortable too. I hope the abscesses pop soon!