Sunday, February 8, 2009

Windy work

I went out to ride today, and there's a storm front coming in. So it was windy. According to NOAA, 25 MPH winds, with gusts up to 39 MPH. And it wasn't raining, which means it was dusty as anything. But Pip didn't seem too worried, so I tacked him up (in the western saddle, since it makes me feel safer) and away we went.
We rode in the arena, amid swirling leaves, bits of things and cans rolling down the road. Debris flitted around us like bugs, and through it, Pip was exactly the same as he'd been last week, a bit fussy, barreling back toward the others, reluctant to go away from the barn, and generally anticipating my requests.

I've noticed that he's dropping his inside shoulder a lot, which isn't easy for me to fix at the blazing trot he was offering. I did do more work at the walk, with circles, bending and that, which he was good at. But when we get to the trot, he just gets strong, or fussy, refusing to go forward. But we kept at it, I did a number of halts, just to mix things up a bit, and so that he doesn't exactly know what I'm doing. I have noticed I don't do a lot of halt, and he is beginning to think halt means "end of riding." But this time it seemed like he relaxed, got going more, didn't balk as often, or as long. So all in all, an ok ride. I was working on using my seatbones, and also on sitting up and back more, not getting a head of him. And we did ok. I felt like I will try cantering him in the arena, which I haven't done a lot of, mostly because it's really not a great area (it's the horses turnout) not exactly square, and the fencing is odd, but it's what I've got. I'm happy that I'm feeling confident enough to canter, since I don't really do much of that except on the trail. Perhaps he'll enjoy working in the arena more if we do canter some.

But overall I'm pretty happy that I can get on and have a good ride, where Pip is paying more attention to me than to the gusts of wind. That tells me he's a pretty solid little horse, and what more can I ask for?

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